100% Olive Oil Soap


Contains: Olive oil, deionised water, caustic soda.



*Product is available for wholesale


Natural (white) olive oil soap is the purest product for bathing and washing our hair. Needless to say, it does not contain parabens, EDTA, SLS etc., as it is a pure natural olive oil product, consisting of extra virgin olive oil, water and soda, without preservatives and chemical additives.

It is ideal for cleaning the face, infants and sensitive areas.

Olive oil, as an ingredient, is safe even for newborn infants, due to its softening nature

This soap is distinguished for the complete cleansing of the skin, while at the same time it is skin friendly. It offers excellent cleanliness from top to toe, for all ages. Its pure, natural ingredients make it ideal for everyday use for the whole family.

It smells great!
It really brings you images from your childhood, it takes you back to nature.

About the product


Highly moisturizing
Natural (white) olive oil soap cleanses the skin, without depriving it of its natural fatty elements since glycerine is NOT removed, which maintains skin hydration, drawing water, even from the air, while in other commercial soaps it has been removed, to be used for other purposes.

It has anti-inflammatory properties
Natural (white) olive oil soap has anti-inflammatory properties that helps heal the skin, relieves skin rashes even from sunburn.

Relieves eczema and psoriasis
Natural (white) olive oil soap relieves skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.

Makes soft makeup removal
Natural (white) olive oil soap gently and effectively removes makeup without irritating the skin. However, like any soap without chemicals to neutralize the pH, it is a good idea to avoid soap getting into the eyes, because it stings.

All of the above make natural (white) olive oil soap highly therapeutic for the skin of the body as well as the scalp and sensitive areas.


Other uses:

The value of natural olive oil soap does not end in personal hygiene, but continues and concerns the cleanliness even of the house.

Natural soap, initially, is ideal for the cleanliness of baby and children's clothes, due to its perfectly natural composition, while it also has an drastic effect on the disinfection of the house, as if you dissolve it in water, it is ideal for mopping.

It still has bleaching properties and its combination with a little white vinegar, makes it an ideal cleanser for bathroom and kitchen.

Finally, it is even used as a pesticide, the solution of which you can spray the plants to protect them gently from insects and diseases, before you even resort to more drastic solutions.