

Contains: Olive oil, Palm oil, Coconut oil, Alkana dye root, grated Lavender and intoxicating aroma of French essence of Lavender.

Suitable for all skin types.



*Product is available for wholesale


Lavender soap is enriched with dried lavender flowers with strong antiseptic properties, offering protection to the skin, contributing effectively to the care of mild skin diseases.

Has a natural coloring from Alkana root!


About the product

Lavender is named after the Latin verb 'lavare' which means 'wash', because the ancient Romans used it in their baths.

It is known for its high tannin content (tannins) - ingredients with strong antiseptic properties. The use of Lavender has a double effect. It relaxes and "calms" the body and the spirit, reducing stress and tension, while at the same time - as it has reconstructing properties - it helps to the healing and regeneration of skin tissues, thus delaying the aging process.

The root Alcanet or Alkanna comes from a plant, known since antiquity, endemic to the coastal areas of the Eastern Mediterranean. Its flowers stand out for their particular blue-purple color and the root for deep red color.

From the root is produced a substance widely used as a natural dye, in cosmetics (rouge, lipstick, ointments, creams, varnishes, etc.) as well as wines, but also for painting wood, stone, etc.

According to recent biological studies, the root of the Alcanet plant has antimicrobial properties and it can be used as an anti-inflammatory with strong action.

However, the most important property of alcannin and siconine, the substances contained in large quantities at the root of the plant, is its healing effect. It is suitable for the treatment of wounds, burns, ulcers of all kinds, haemorrhoids disease and any other skin diseases, as it is a herbal substance that helps to restore the skin without the side effects of chemicals.